New Outputs From C-DICE Research Sandpit!

We are delighted to announce more successful publications resulting from the C-DICE research sandpit that focused on critical issues related to developing and successfully deploying the energy storage technologies that are essential to enabling the transition to a zero-carbon energy system.
The winning team of Dr Fatih Güleç, Dr Xin Liu, Dr Shahrouz Nayebossadri and Dr Feiran Wang co-authored a book chapter titled “status and progress of nanomaterials application in hydrogen storage” for the Taylor and Francis published “Nanomaterials For Sustainable Hydrogen Production and Storage”.
Also resulting from this sandpit was the paper “fluidisable mesoporous silica composites for thermochemical energy storage” which presents an all new scalable and fluidisable salt composite material that opens up the potential to develop low-temperature fluidised bed based thermal energy storage systems for the first time.
A research sandpit enables postdoctoral researchers to create collaborative and novel research ideas that are developed via seedcorn funding. Research sandpits have been a core part of the C-DICE programme, with nine individual events hosted so far, each focusing on a key area from the C-DICE themes. The winning team from each of these research sandpits is awarded up to £30k in funding to carry out their research proposal. Along with the funding, winning teams get to manage their own research, including contracting, finance, recruitment as a fully-fledged team.
Dr Kathryn North (C-DICE Director), stated that it is great to see further results from the research sandpits. “The recent publications resulting from our C-DICE research sandpit highlight the programmme’s transformative impact on postdoc careers, and highlight the importance of interdisciplinary and collaborative research for sustainable progress.”