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POST – C-DICE Fellowship information webinar, Fri 8 Sep 11:00-12:00

POST – C-DICE Fellowship information webinar, Fri 8 Sep 11:00-12:00

At this online event, held on Fri 8 Sep from 11:00-12:00, you can find out more about the POST – C-DICE Fellowship, and how to apply for it.

The three-month Fellowship provides a range of benefits, including:

  • Three-months of salary (paid at your current salary rate, excluding university overheads) and travel costs package
  • The opportunity to work with POST (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology) and the ESNZ (Energy Security and Net-Zero) Select Committee
  • Gain insight on how the UK Parliament works
  • A full-time or part-time opportunity

The applicant’s research must align with net-zero, infrastructure, cities, or energy, and the applicant’s home institution must be one of the universities or research facilities in the C-DICE partnership. The closing date for the Fellowship application is 13th September 2023 at 23:59.

Register on Inkpath for the POST – C-DICE Fellowship information webinar (DFAB0016) or click on the “Book online” button below.

More information about the POST – C-DICE Fellowship here.



United Kingdom


8th September 2023


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