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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

C-DICE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

In C-DICE we aim to advance inclusion for all our postdoctoral researchers, staff and stakeholders, regardless of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity/ paternity, race/ethnicity, national origin, religion or belief/non-belief, sex or sexual orientation. We strive to provide an environment that is supportive and enables everyone to reach their full potential. To achieve this goal, we have developed an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) statement that will guide our activities in all C-DICE strands.

We encourage all partners and stakeholders to support the guidance set out in the statement.

Equality Impact Assessments

To ensure that all our C-DICE activities are not discriminating especially against any group with protected characteristic and that we provide equal access to opportunity to all, we are conducting Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs). EIA is a systematic and evidence-based analysis that allows us to highlight any areas of good practice but also to identify any gaps and come up with ways to enhance our processes.

C-DICE organises various events that attract postdoctoral researchers, PhDs, academic staff and industrial partners from all over the UK. We ensure through an EIA that we take the necessary precaution and measures to facilitate the participation of all groups of people, and especially the ones with protected characteristics to both online and in-person C-DICE events.

C-DICE focuses its efforts to build a pipeline of talent with a mix of development, training, and networking opportunities. To achieve this, we have adopted a ‘name-blind’ recruitment process that is free from unconscious biases. An EIA on recruitment processes has been conducted to ensure that groups with protected characteristics are encouraged and assisted to apply, and go through an interview process that does not hinder their chance of being employed.

Guidance for inclusive C-DICE events

We share guidance to those contributing and presenting to C-DICE events so we can ensure that when they design and prepare their presentation, they consider a broad range of diverse characteristics of potential attendees in the audience. This will enable all the participants that attend our events to access the information presented to them and be able to fully engage.

For more info please contact C-DICE.

C-DICE recommendations for creating a diverse, accessible, and inclusive conference

C-DICE hosted the National Postdoc Conference 2023 at Loughborough University. We created this document based on our experiences to help other organisers design a conference that is both accessible and inclusive, making a richer conference experience for everyone. 

Further Reading* on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Race and Racism


*Resources shared by Dr Ines Varela Silva, Sr Lecturer in SSEHS, Loughborough University