Net Zero Futures Conference 2024 – Accessibility and Well-Being
C-DICE is committed to making the Net Zero Futures Conference an inclusive and accessible event. Below is a list of the arrangements that will be in place at the conference to support delegates that may require it.
Well Being Space

A well-being space will be available for the whole day where delegates can participate in activities including yoga and games, providing a calm and relaxing environment to help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. These activities are designed to offer a peaceful retreat from the day’s events, allowing participants to rejuvenate and refocus.
Hearing Loop Systems
The venue is equipped with hearing loop systems for assistive listening during all sessions. To ensure that we have enough hearing loops for all delegates please email us at so that we can make suitable arrangements.
Wheelchair Accessible Venue
Vincent Building at Cranfield University is wheelchair accessible, and all sessions will take place on the ground floor.
#NetZeroFutures2024 #PathwaysToImpact